This is too funny, and like a runaway train chat boards ruin work days... For the record, Vanpiles and me are not the same person. I stopped posting on these message boards because I could not get any work done either fielding calls or laughing too hard at the stupidity. I have called and offered substantial proof that i have nothing to do with these blogs and while lukeford posts negative comments about me I still choose not to engage on this board or any other.I will say this- you guys are right our stuff is pretty good and the reason is because we are working hard to make it good and not playing in these arena's. I am not a hater nor ever have been, and have been blamed like so many others for the petty gossip and knife fights that go on. Truth is I have only one sworn enemy and I still choose not to go after him when I interviewed with the real luke upon our launching AH. I hope this satisfies curiosity and for those that want the proof or need it call me, in the mean time rock out with your cock out vanpiles, lizardlips, jamesn, jimjaded, tony m,willie d and rest of you degenerates.....Sack the wet Back and Bait and Tackle out this month get ready for Meat puppets, Slut Machines and Pig Tails.........