How about a common girl or guy contestant...

6 males or females, only one in those groups isn't a porn doer. The rest are professionals.

A four week dating adventure to find "love".

Contestant picks a winner and if its a porn doer, then that normal person is hitched along into the porn world for six months, tethered.

If Contestant picks the normal person, they can go off and have the relationship if they want.

The "horrah" of tagging along a pornstars life on shoots, going through the bounced check moments, lack of food in the cupboard, the long endless nights and days with sleaze.

The Contestant might have to work in a porn store or strip club for the six months. The couple would do the vegas thing at the brothel together.

The guys or girls in this game can't be so well known porn dudes or chicks hidden in their fake contacts, glasses and different hair color. Some of the well known porn faces are too evident for this.
"I still can't believe he is not joking. Too bad it could have been funny." -Cleetus