ADT"I'm no expert but my guess would be at 18 a guy hasn't really mastered his control yet. It seems most guys who get into porn young do it in their early 20's. I'm sure they would love to get in at 18 but they can't keep from cumming too soon. Lots of girls start in porn at 18 because they can fake it. All they have to do if their mind isn't in it is just use lube and do some moaning."ADT

Jesus Christ. Apparently mopes can only be mopes after years of monk-like study and discipline (rather than passing and AIM test and not having a Viagra allergy).
"Porn's the easiest job in the world- show up on time, get tested on time, and arch your back. I love how Desi is now justifying her role as a low budget Kris Jenner."-G. Jordan