^^Of course you did. You should congratulate me for not stealing your personal bandwidth. The fact remains I was unable to logon. If you're saying I blamed anyone, fine. I also blamed a glitch in the system and/ or a problem with my ISP or my end. Those were the three options available to me. If you need to soothe your butthurt by focusing on the one that looks in your and your boy's direction, well, that's your choice.

I never claimed to have logged in on the 3rd. Not sure where that came from. Probably the same place that JB and I were in cahoots. I was able to logon the 7th, when I started posting again.

Maybe I was banned, maybe I wasn't. I honestly don't know. Once again, considering your behaviour, I'm not sure what I was supposed to think. Like I said, I'll have to take your word, but considering you feel this is your personal spot and I've been stealing from you, your word isn't worth the bandwidth I'm stealing.

If I wasn't banned, apologies all around. At the end of the day, only you and your boys know for sure. Call it backpedaling if you want to, but I've always been able to own the wrong things I've done. I don't know if I was right or wrong here. It's your board, so my guilt or innocence is up to you.

How much money have you donated to the cause, hav? Where is the "donate" button?
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE