Originally Posted By: Jerkules
Gia said it was.
Christie's response was that her apartment was on some "Cribs"-type TV show on Playboy for porn whores, and they took some rather extensive shots of the place.

I don't doubt that Ace has extensive archives of these kinds of TV shows. I bet he can quote them verbatim. Which leads to this question: how many other whores has he "stalked" in this way.

BTW Bornyo, I called Burg a few years ago. He was back in CT, but still had his cell # with the 707 area code.

Christie didn't quit because of this. She quit because (familiar story) ICE didn't renew her visa. She moved back to Canada and has pumped out a few babies. Burg says she's adjusting to life after smut. Then again, Bornyo drew Burg's brain: