Bwahahahaha! This is like... my God! It's like "Fat Albert: The Lost Years."

We need to make trading cards with our favorite BGOL online posterz.

Check out these highlights, yo:

bhunt needs 'counsling'!!!!


I have been talking to this chick for about 3 months. She is very througho. She got all her shit taken care of,IE college, job, car, her own place and a future. She's about a 8.5 on a scale of 10. Now here's the problem, after talking for about 3 months we had our first converstation about sex. I told her how I get down. I told her I like to eat pussy and I like girls to suck me off. She's not down with none of that shit. And now she't mad because she thihnks I should respect her sexual preferences about what she doesen't do. Tell me what would you do?

Hey James, have you seen the yet?