Originally Posted By: Ron Mexico
Another case where a good makeup artist has literally put good lipstick on a pig. KR is a disgusting, washed-out skank. Yet every month, some talented MUA transforms here into a strokeworthy PW.

Ditto with Gianna.

Ditto with every other butterface (hi, Jenny Padover) who came into the business. These whores wind up as whores for a reason: because (i) they are fugly and can't get jobs as normal (lol) fashion models, and (ii) they are decent enough to be passable in layers of makeup, all the while agreeing to let some degenerate STD-spreader like Germey Steele infect them with his herpsperm.

Easily the most under-rated aspect of porno.

I'm alright with the fact that there are going to be some people not having a liking to me.It's easier that way, so whatever.

In the grand picture, I can't be all that bad if I've managed to thrive even five years after not doing a movie and only being exclusive to my site with a total of about 10 years under my belt. In the end it really doesn't matter what others say or think LOL.

Although I do want to make it clear that not all girls get in porn because they could never succeed as a fashion model. Speaking for myself, it's evident that would never be possible being 4'11. Each girl has their own reasons whether it be one simple one or many little ones. Quite frankly, I'd hate to do mainstream shit anyways... you sit around on set for so many unnecessary hours. How fucking boring is that. There's a life out there to live.

Anyhow, Kristina's personality of what I gather on Twitter seems though she'd fit right in just find over here with the sharks. She can dish it out pretty well... don't blame her for not though as I'm sure she chooses to make other things her priority.

Rant is done.