# 3 Tony Davis

My name is Tony Davis and I am a unique human being with a unique job:I am a perfect health teacher and only my price will make you happy:Free! I do not charge you a penny for my help because this is not about me making money,this is about making you happy by showing you how to enjoy perfect health like I do every day.I have 20 jobs and I speak 5 more languages besides english:romanian,macedonian,spanish,french and italian.One of my 20 jobs is:I am an inventor and I invent movie scripts,poems,jokes and sayings and here is one of my many brilliant sayings I invented that I would like mention to you here:"I don't care about making money,I care about making you happy"

I was born in perfect health in 1972,April 23th.However,I still had 3 major health problems that were bothering me and virtually everybody in the world:stress,fatigue and colds.Stress was killing me,I was tired every day and I used to get at least 4 colds every year.All that happened until 1992 when I discovered the number one nutrition company in the world.I started using these incredible breakthrough nutritional products and I felt the difference in only one day:my stress disappeared,I am never tired anymore and I never get colds anymore.In other words I am now enjoying perfect health every day and I can teach anybody how to have perfect health like I do.No matter what health problem you have I can show you how you can eliminate it from your life forever.Here is a fact that most people are not aware about:Every problem has a solution and obviously every health problem has a solution and can be eliminated from your life forever.Do you know this formula:"Good nutrition=Good Health"? It is 100% true.If you give your body what it needs your body will give you what you need:perfect health.Now please don't assume that having perfect health is as easy as taking the best nutritional supplements in the world form the best nutrition company in the world.It's not that easy.Giving the body what it needs and that is good nutrition like: vitamins,minerals,herbs,etc is only the beginning.It takes a lot more that just taking a few supplements to have perfect health and I do have the recipe to perfect health and I will share it with you for free if you become my friend.However,having perfect health is very easy actually if you know how and I do know how.I will show you how to have perfect health in person or over the phone if you don't live in California close to me.For some people having perfect health is as easy as taking the best nutritional supplements in the world like it happened to me and for some people it takes more than that.Long story short:If you dreamed all your life to have perfect health like me,now you can stop dreaming and live that dream! You too can enjoy what I enjoy every day:perfect health! Now let me tell you how to have perfect income.Another word for perfect income is residual income.In case you don't know what residual income is,I'll explain it to you right now.Normal income is income that pays you once if you work once.Residual income is income that pays you forever for working once.I'll give you 3 examples so you get a clearer picture of what I am talking about:

1-A singer records s few hit albums and he or she gets paid forever.Where is the money coming from? From the sales of the CD's of the artist.The singer gets a percentage of all the sales of his or her CD's for as long as the CD's sell and usually hit music sells forever.

2-An actor or actress makes a lot of movies and every time that movie is sold on DVD's or it's shown on TV,the actor or actress gets a percentage of the sales for life.Just like the singer,the actor gets a check in the mail every month forever even if they work or not.If they continue working the check gets bigger each month.

3-Amway,Mary Kay,ACN and many other hundreds of network marketing companies are giving people from all walks of life the chance to create and enjoy residual income.I personally know many people who have residual income and they are very healthy,very wealthy and very happy.Their money worries are over forever.No matter who you are-you too can create and enjoy residual income and be happy,healthy and wealthy for life.

Here's how it works: You have 2 ways of doing this:

1) I do all the work for you:I advertise for you,I sell for you,I recruit other people for you,I train people for you and so on.I do everything for you and you don't need to pay me anything for my help.My help is 100% free.All you have to do is pay $50 a month to a lead company and that's it.You don't need to lift a finger.You just wait and go on with your life while I build your business and you can make as much money as you want every month for life.Remember:this money you are making is gonna come to you month after month forever even if you quit someday.This is residual income you are making.Your money worries will be over forever and you can live the good life finally! The easiest way possible! In case you are wondering what's in it for me:when you make money,I make money too.The more money you make,the more money I make.If you have any questions please contact me.Thank you very much.

2) You can do what I do and make money at least 3 times faster than me doing all the work for you.I have 18 years experience in this business and I know everything about it.I can teach you everything I know and I will be always there for you if you have a question or need any help.You get free unlimited lifetime training and support from me and you will also become my friend! If you want to do this please contact me.Thank you very much.

PS:If you think you have a better way to be healthy and wealthy forever,I would love to hear about it!

Thank you very much for visiting my website and may you enjoy health and wealth forever!

Tony Davis

Happiness Teacher

FOR FREE: http://www.straightdownthetubes.com/videos/494/cumhunters-natasha-nice.html

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