

I love the fucked up, Bizzaro World perspective of XPT... where picking fruit [ a legit and legal, if not lucrative job ], is considered a degrading fall from prostitution.
I'm just playing devil's advocate here, because I happen to agree. The bitch was better off whorin'. But listening to some of you simps -especially you Burg!- piss and moan about, "Omg! How could these women degrade themselves in the porn biz!?" makes me wonder how you can do a 180 so fuckin' fast without tipping over in your wheelchair.

Worst post ever. So dumb and simplistic .... as well as so far off the mark it reminds me of Bull Durham when the Mascot gets beaned.

You're dumb and simplistic. There... now THAT'S the worst post ever.
Can't wait to read your next hot scoop!!
"We had part of a Slinky - but I straightened it."