The First Day of Sodom: Pussy Hair Prayer Rug

Trading pussy heaven
up for Immaculate Conception.

The Second Day of Sodom: Distortion in Eden

Ass of man tempts Eve.

The Third Day of Sodom: Serpent of the Gay Pride Rainbow

Eve grows huge dick and fucks snake.

The Fourth Day of Sodom: Snaking Adams Black Apple

Snake coils around a piece of shit stuck in
the colon of an old roman.

The Fifth Day of Sodom: Like a Cretin on Christmas Eve

Blackbeard the Santa tosses the old
roman a Greek salad.

The Sixth Day of Sodom: Boston Hardcore Caligula

Ass jocks suck off Boston hardcore.

The Seventh Day of Sodom: Fantasizing Hydrahead

Boston hardcore closes its unsigned eyes
and pretends it's Aaron and Mark
sucking their fucking dicks.

The Eighth Day of Sodom: Lamb of the Rotisserie God

Sodomite warms the ass of cooked lamb.

The Ninth Day of Sodom: Holiday Bowl Full of Asshole

Lamb chop placed across the ass crack of
the sweet Virgin Mary.

The Tenth Day of Sodom: Enter the House of Feasting

Banquet in the honor of sweet Mary
mother of god's garnered virgin rump.

The Eleventh Day of Sodom: Passing Blunts and Cunts at Relapse

We all take a turn,
Matt Jacobson blows a peanut.

The Twelfth Day of Sodom: When Taking a Shit Feels Sexy

Immaculate defecation.
Covered in semen the blue-eyed demon
Jesus is born
from the cunt of a gay whore.
Sandblasted faces, no mouths to scream. Needless object always scratching. This breach in heaven irised shut. It scorns the land without even ghosts