Like pacino in that god awful movie insomnia i can't get no sleep, god is a dj (for those familiar with faithless) and am fucked off with a few porners and have done a more specific hate list, main target this week is the hardcoregossip guy. Here we go

1. guy: Fuck i hate this guy, his whole thing is to run as many stories on ONE porn star that he either likes or has received sexual favors from for months on end. Last time he ran about 6 months of straight ron jermey stuff every week. Including posting a solo naked picture of ron on his site, now he is doing it with kelly erikson (think bi britney with a good plastic surgeon). Just complete and utter fluff on her every week. I have to say i have never liked the guy, he still has that stupid bull ring through his nose that i would pay good money to see get caught in a cab door as he gets outs on a friday night, the guy is like a straight preachy version of fayner and right now he has followed in fayner's footsteps by going after dave pounder. He hates pounder because pounder wanted the government to regulate porn, which is a horrible idea, but he lays right into him DESPITE the fact that the dickhead hardcoregossip guy tries to turn every interview he does with pornstars into a political debate, when really what he is trying to do is trick the pornstar who doesn't know any better to agree with his political stance. I fucking hate that guy.

2. scott fayner: He is now directing a series well that is if i believe him which i don't but will for the sake of this argument. This i don't get, the porn industry is flooded with talent all the time, too much some would say. How in the fuck can't they find a handful of capable directors to shoot the fucking shit. Sean michaels , rob black (yes i said rob black, watch gangbang angels 2 fucking butchered jr carrington's only gangbang scene completely) and now scott fayner. Who in the fuck thinks its a good idea to have FAYNER direct for them?. There has to be a handful of film school drop outs or independent music video directors that are out of work and are willing to throw their hat into the porn ring to pay the bills, why not hire these guys. Fucking fayner, are you serious?.

3. doron d aka the minion: Again there's a feature of him without any clothes on being humiliated by some b grade talent. Is there anyway we can get clothes permanently attached to doron's body?. There is no reason that can justify doron removing his clothes and film wasted shooting it. Wanker wang's fat guy with little penis's fetish must be concealed , hidden away from the other 99% of the world that have no desire to see doron naked.

Thats all i have, but the first two are very valid and need explaining because i might not have had any sleep in the past 2 days but even if i had this shit would still make no sense.
“Jesus said, hey baby, its all good" Wayne Lewis