I haven't seen such ass-kissing since the RNC was in town. Except for this guy:


Unneeded, unwanted and unhelpful.

I will post a comment or a joke delicately balanced between carefully chosen quote and response and cloth-eared Hardware will come along and clump all over it to the point that I am ashamed to have my name associated with the abortion of a post he has created and have to kill it. Threads become incomprehensible because one cannot see who is responding to what. The ordinary flow of topics is disrupted as he gives unwanted bumps to old threads by his immoderate moderation and new threads are lost in the flood of posts defaced with Hardware's pointless italics.

What's the point of being on a porn board if you can't actually talk about porn because an over-zealous moderator, without ear or sense, insists on an unnuanced application of rules that whose true value he doesn't really grasp?

Hardware is scum.

And that's from a guy I normally despise.

So what happened? Did Stephcunt catch him sucking Drew's cock, again?