Under the heading of "Credit where Credit is Due"...

Hardware (Yeah, Him. I know, I know and I agree with most of the criticism, too) actually said something that made sense. In the "Are You Anti-American?" Thread, He wrote:


If I was anti-American I wouldn't be living in the USA.

It seems to me that it is much easier to be anti-American if you've never been here, because it is hard for outsiders to grasp just how diverse the USA really is. Few things are so monolithic that you can't find an alternative. Don't like New York? Move to New Mexico. Hate Bush? Join the club. Hate Pelosi? Got a club for that, too.

Sure, the federal government can be pretty fucked up, but at least we get the opportunity to kick the movers and shakers' collective ass out every few years.

Say what you want about the man (and I say plenty) It's a Damn good answer to all of those Eurosocialists they've got over there.

Okay. Back to bashing their Faggy Threads.
"When you're up to your ass in alligators, it's hard to remember that you set out to drain the swamp" -- HST