Palin is a LIAR.

Posted by: tattypatty

Palin is a LIAR. - 09/01/08 01:04 PM

Is this a big deal? I kinda do. Read on:
Posted by: tattypatty

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/01/08 01:10 PM

And she's preggers again?
Posted by: Smell of Anus

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/01/08 01:11 PM

I love how the holier than though, Karl Rove hatin', leftist douchebags extraordinaire crowd act like collective Drudge wannabes as soon as it suits their cause. Let's stick to the issues, right? No flag burning debates to cover up the need for real change? Of course not. Let's debate who the real parents of that little cunt are. It gives me faith in the future of this nation.
Posted by: Bluecipher

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/01/08 01:48 PM

Will the real pregnant whore please raise her hand?
Posted by: elaborator

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/01/08 02:47 PM

kid or no kid or wtf ever...

this Palin chick is in noooo way ready to be president. They are actually trying to spin the fact that she is from Alaska which is next to Russia as foreign policy experience!!! hahaha

the Republican Party is in shambles!
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/01/08 02:54 PM


I love how the holier than though, Karl Rove hatin', leftist douchebags extraordinaire crowd act like collective Drudge wannabes as soon as it suits their cause.

Or gloat about natural disasters for political purposes.
Posted by: Gigi

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/01/08 03:20 PM


Is this a big deal? I kinda do. Read on:

i SO scooped you on this one, patty
Posted by: tattypatty

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/01/08 03:32 PM

Congrats. When did this break? I gotta stop going to porn sites and follow some actual news...
Posted by: Gigi

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/01/08 03:37 PM

i posted the daily kos link last night in the 'how mc cain is going to win' thread... i was just fucking with you, though. besides, this dirt needed its own thread.

can't believe the daughter's really knocked up. , and this:


"They seem to be doing the right thing on both counts: having the baby and marrying the father,"

jesus christ. i'm embarrassed to be republican right now.
Posted by: ivorenginedriver

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/01/08 03:44 PM

I suppose that McCain could save the Federal Treasury some money if he is elected by selling the official residence of the VPOTUS, and having the Palins move into a double wide.
Posted by: elaborator

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/01/08 04:07 PM

no one is gloating jim...just really kind of weird tho how it just reminds everyone how Republicans can't run government agencys worth a damn.

i am seriously bummed...was really looking forward to cheney and bushy AND leiberman speeching tonite...would have been hilarious!

but really tho....Palin hahaha the vice presidential pick is supposed to display the decision making prowess of a potential prez.

McCaine fucks up yet AGAIN!!!! haha
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/01/08 04:29 PM


no one is gloating jim...just really kind of weird tho how it just reminds everyone how Republicans can't run government agencys worth a damn.

i am seriously bummed...was really looking forward to cheney and bushy AND leiberman speeching tonite...would have been hilarious!

So let me get this straight: Thousands displaced, many to be made homeless yet again, some possibly killed... and all you can think about is the political ramifications of it.

And that's not gloating?

Palin is funny as hell, no doubt, and eminently fair game. But Gustav?
Posted by: XXXbit

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/01/08 04:38 PM

Gigi why are you embarrassed cause the VP has a knocked up teen?
Posted by: Gigi

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/01/08 06:25 PM

i just hope she names the child 'algebra'.
Posted by: Bramlet Abercrombie

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/01/08 07:55 PM


Gigi why are you embarrassed cause the VP has a knocked up teen?

Proof positive that 'abstinence only' education works wonders. At least the average GOP pol has the sense to put his daughter on the pill while spouting that crap in public. Palin was too stupid to figure it out.
Posted by: k1ng

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/01/08 09:24 PM


this Palin chick is in noooo way ready to be president.

funny. and what is hussein's experience again? 2 years in the senate and 20 years in the pew of rev. wright.
Posted by: XXXbit

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/01/08 10:35 PM

then by that account schools that teach safe sex don't have an unplanned pregnancy rate?

I find that hard to believe
I think kids are taught the values of their parents and the kids (especially teens) make a choice if they will follow or not.....

I graduated from a school that taught us more about birth control than my mother and doctor combined.....guess what we had teenage moms and moms to be by graduation time..
Posted by: Bramlet Abercrombie

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/02/08 12:01 AM

Somebody whose greatest claim to fame is being Supermom loses a little cred when her darling child turns out knocked up. Anyway, wasn't the little twit supposed to be home, suffering from mono?

I expect a little more from a vice presidential contender than I do from public high schools.
Posted by: k1ng

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/02/08 12:08 AM


Somebody whose greatest claim to fame is being Supermom loses a little cred when her darling child turns out knocked up.

what's hussein's claim to fame again?


I expect a little more from a vice presidential contender than I do from public high schools.

and the standard you libs are holding the gop veep to is the same as your pres nominee? gtfo, you alt id hypocrite.
Posted by: Smell of Anus

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/02/08 12:17 AM

I'm happy as long as you guys admit that you're made of the same material as the republican smear troops.

However, since politics is basically a form of organized violence against other people, I have no illusions that the people involved in that business will ever act in a dignified manner. That goes for any party and whatever political ideology it identifies with.

The solution to the current situation is not, as some people claim, a new party. The solution is less politics. Sadly, no party will ever work towards that goal.
Posted by: k1ng

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/02/08 12:27 AM

nice, that's pretty good. where did you copy that from? I'd like to read it in full context.
Posted by: Smell of Anus

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/02/08 12:34 AM


nice, that's pretty good. where did you copy that from? I'd like to read it in full context.

If you fly over here I will give you a private lecture for the meager price of $99.95!
Posted by: k1ng

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/02/08 12:35 AM

over where?
Posted by: Smell of Anus

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/02/08 12:36 AM


over where?

stop stalking me!
Posted by: k1ng

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/02/08 12:38 AM

what is stalking?
Posted by: Smell of Anus

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/02/08 12:41 AM


Posted by: k1ng

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/02/08 12:45 AM

5/m/your basement

amirite, you faggot?

Posted by: Smell of Anus

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/02/08 12:49 AM

how did we end up here? the answer to your question is that I did not copy my post from any other source but wrote it myself. I am influenced by libertarian writers such as Murray Rothbard, Friedrich Hayek and Ludwig von Mises. I can recommend all of them if you want to read works by people who have spent many years pondering the possibilities and ramifications of human freedom.
Posted by: 6655321

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/02/08 12:49 AM

i havent seen a fight between an alt and his main since i fought with Guido on ADT.

ok, i mean a transparent fight.

Ive had a bunch of fights with my own alts on here.... but no one ever picked up on em.
Posted by: k1ng

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/02/08 01:05 AM


there's not even no crackheads in alaska!

Posted by: Smell of Anus

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/02/08 01:08 AM

I'd so move to Alaska if it weren't for the cold weather. And general lack of civilization.
Posted by: Smell of Anus

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/02/08 02:42 AM

Sarah Palin: the proletarian candidate
Posted by: XXXbit

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/02/08 04:14 AM


Somebody whose greatest claim to fame is being Supermom loses a little cred when her darling child turns out knocked up. Anyway, wasn't the little twit supposed to be home, suffering from mono?

I expect a little more from a vice presidential contender than I do from public high schools.

then we can agree to disagree that being a supermom (i disagree if one actually exists anyhow) means your kids all turn out perfect with few mistakes. If there was such a thing to me it would be how one handled the mistakes (by those and /or their family)and dealt with the impact of those decisions....

i would say if she ended up a daughter from say...the Texas Cheerleading Scandal...that would be totally different..
Posted by: Browser

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/02/08 06:59 AM


jesus christ. i'm embarrassed to be republican right now.

You should have started being embarrassed a little over 7 years ago.
Posted by: Gigi

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/02/08 07:24 AM

nah, i was too giddy with the reduction in our taxes
Posted by: Cleetus VanDamme

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/02/08 07:25 AM

They are all liars.
Posted by: have2cit

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/02/08 07:28 AM

They say whores lie. You guys seem surprised.
Posted by: tattypatty

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/02/08 08:20 AM



there's not even no crackheads in alaska!

sez who?
Posted by: elaborator

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/02/08 08:35 AM

Posted by: Gigi

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/02/08 08:44 AM

Posted by: Smell of Anus

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/02/08 08:57 AM

she's hot.
Posted by: Soopergrizz

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/02/08 09:26 AM


she's hot.

and does creampies, obviously.
Posted by: gia jordan

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/02/08 10:00 AM

The middle pic of the 3 looks like a giant birth control packet. Not like Bristol or her mom would know what that is anyway. :white trash:
Posted by: the unknown pervert

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/02/08 12:56 PM


Is this a big deal? I kinda do. Read on:

Even the Huffington Post thinks the Daily Kos is full of it on this one.

"The election hasn't even been won yet and there's already a liberal hubris developing. Progressive standard bearers such as DailyKos and Keith Olbermann have been showing signs lately of a nasty tendency towards stifling dissenting opinions and promoting the sort of crazy rumors usually associated with the right then the reality based community.

It's not effective, it's not progressive, and it's not a good or accurate reflection on Barack Obama or the Democratic party."
Posted by: 6655321

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/02/08 12:58 PM

is it wrong that i find Ariana Huffington kinda hot? in a m/gilfy sorta way.
Posted by: taint1974

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/02/08 01:05 PM



Gigi why are you embarrassed cause the VP has a knocked up teen?

Proof positive that 'abstinence only' education works wonders. At least the average GOP pol has the sense to put his daughter on the pill while spouting that crap in public. Palin was too stupid to figure it out.

You can teach birth control techniques and abstinence stuff until your blue in the face but that isn't going to stop the following.

Teenage boys from sweet talking some girl into letting him fuck her without a rubber.

Teenage boys from date raping some teenage girl and busting a nut inside her.

Teenage girls from forgetting to take their pill.

Teenage girls who are on the pill but taking antibiotics who still let Johnny Football Hero blow their load inside of them.

Teenage girls who want to marry Johnny Football Hero who let themselves get knocked up.

Teenage girls who don't feel "loved" by their parents, and/or boyfriend, who get knocked up on purpose because they want a baby to "love" them.

I could go on and on.
Posted by: Bad Habit

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/02/08 02:25 PM



Take the SEX IS FOR FAGS Abstinence-Only Pledge

I, [MY NAME], hereby pledge:

1. To stay massively cool by not having sex. Because only major losers have sex – which everyone knows is only for fags.

2. To never let any slutty girls peer pressure me into touching their vaginas – because vaginas are totally gay.

3. To ignore my raging hormones and burning drive to fondle, suckle, and thrust furiously into a hot gooey pit of creamy-soft fleshy ecstasy.

4. To keep my groinal giblets inside my GAP khakis, and to punch those sweaty bits into submission whenever they percolate with desire.

5. To never spill my sacred "dude milk" – unless it is inside of some hot babe who already married me and took my last name.

I understand that abstaining from sex protects me from:

The regret and guilt caused by the disgusting, squishy act of stupid sex, which is basically like going to the toilet from the front side.

Making retard babies out of wedlock, then having to blow my whole allowance on diapers and a stroller instead of XBox games and Snickers.

Catching a brain-rotting STD like "Finger Herpes" from "feeling up" any nasty dirty girlie holes.

Posted by: Bad Habit

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/02/08 02:30 PM



Take the IRON HYMEN Abstinence-Only Pledge:

I, [MY NAME], hereby pledge:

1. To never let grubby boys touch me – unless it's just fun innocent stuff like tripping me and pulling my hair. (But only the hair on my head!)

2. To never wear trampy stuff like shorts or t-shirts or open-toed shoes, which basically tell horny perverts that I'm a major tramp who's just asking for it.

3. To never do rough stuff like ride horsies or bikes with hard seats, which could break my vagina's freshness seal and make me totally unlovable.

4. To never let tampons violate the sanctity of my hoo-hoo, because tampons are really nothing more than thirsty little albino penises.

5. To never have premarital sex, because Jesus doesn't want anyone messing around inside my girly hole until after His church makes some money off a wedding.

I understand that abstaining from sex protects me from:

Forcing my wonderful parents to use "tough love" and kick me out of the house for embarrassing them by being such a little whore.

Having adoption-hungry homosexuals circle my pregnant belly like vultures, hell-bent on corrupting my unwanted bastard child with their sicko "love."

Posted by: Anonymous

ArcXIX is a LIAR. - 09/02/08 02:31 PM



Is this a big deal? I kinda do. Read on:

Even the Huffington Post thinks the Daily Kos is full of it on this one.

Seems that Kos pulled the story. Must not have been a big deal, after all:

Posted by: PainfulAzzFuckin

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/02/08 04:00 PM


4. To never let tampons violate the sanctity of my hoo-hoo, because tampons are really nothing more than thirsty little albino penises.

Classic. I LoL'd.
Posted by: Crocodile

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/02/08 04:01 PM




Gigi why are you embarrassed cause the VP has a knocked up teen?

Proof positive that 'abstinence only' education works wonders. At least the average GOP pol has the sense to put his daughter on the pill while spouting that crap in public. Palin was too stupid to figure it out.

You can teach birth control techniques and abstinence stuff until your blue in the face but that isn't going to stop the following.

Teenage boys from sweet talking some girl into letting him fuck her without a rubber.

Teenage boys from date raping some teenage girl and busting a nut inside her.

Teenage girls from forgetting to take their pill.

Teenage girls who are on the pill but taking antibiotics who still let Johnny Football Hero blow their load inside of them.

Teenage girls who want to marry Johnny Football Hero who let themselves get knocked up.

Teenage girls who don't feel "loved" by their parents, and/or boyfriend, who get knocked up on purpose because they want a baby to "love" them.

I could go on and on.

Posted by: XXXbit

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/03/08 08:24 PM

Well she certainly did a great job today....She went after Obama with some things of substance....

She gave some jabs and landed more than one punch..............
Posted by: Bornyo

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/03/08 08:27 PM

Palin whipped ass. An angle I hadn't considered, that only she as a woman can do, is question O's masculinity. She managed to do that several times.
Posted by: Fuk Yo Mama

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/03/08 08:30 PM

I don't care what her politics are. I want to fuck Sarah Palin. I want to violate her in many, many, many dirty ways.

Posted by: Gigi

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/03/08 08:48 PM

what bornyo said. i was very impressed. the six year-old spit-smoothing calculus' hair was too adorable. and levi is bangin. also, someone already ripped my mccain sticker off my car.
Posted by: saddleback

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/03/08 08:52 PM

"It's over ..." - Peggy Noonan

Posted by: XXXbit

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/03/08 09:11 PM

damn I think I drank some grape kool aide
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/03/08 09:14 PM


Palin whipped ass. An angle I hadn't considered, that only she as a woman can do, is question O's masculinity. She managed to do that several times.

As well as his qualifications:

ST. PAUL — After days of mounting questions about her qualifications, Gov. Sarah Palin rallied the Republican National Convention tonight by touting her small-town government experience and ridiculing concerns about whether she is up to the job of vice president.

"Before I became governor of the great state of Alaska, I was mayor of my hometown,” Ms. Palin said. “And since our opponents in this presidential election seem to look down on that experience, let me explain to them what the job involves. I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a community organizer, except that you have actual responsibilities...”

The remark was a not-so-veiled shot at the career of Senator Barack Obama, who began his public service as a community organizer in Chicago.

In spirited remarks that were embraced by a crowd that was thirsty to learn more about her, Ms. Palin also took on what she portrays as an elite media establishment unwilling to accept that her government service in a small town and a sparsely populated state gives her the resume to serve at the highest levels of the federal government.

“I’ve learned quickly, these past few days, that if you’re not a member in good standing of the Washington elite, then some in the media consider a candidate unqualified for that reason alone,” she said in her remarks. “But here’s a little news flash for all those reporters and commentators: I’m not going to Washington to seek their good opinion – I’m going to Washington to serve the people of this country..."

In her remarks, the governor promised that a new McCain/Palin administration would undertake an aggressive program to deliver new domestic energy.

“We’re going to lay more pipelines ... build more nuclear plants ... create jobs with clean coal ... and move forward on solar, wind, geothermal, and other alternative sources,” she said. “We need American energy resources, brought to you by American ingenuity, and produced by American workers..."

To counter those who have questioned her lack of foreign policy credentials, she said: “With Russia wanting to control a vital pipeline in the Caucasus, and to divide and intimidate our European allies by using energy as a weapon, we cannot leave ourselves at the mercy of foreign suppliers.

“To confront the threat that Iran might seek to cut off nearly a fifth of world energy supplies,” she said, “or that terrorists might strike again at the Abqaiq facility in Saudi Arabia, or that Venezuela might shut off its oil deliveries, we Americans need to produce more of our own oil and gas.”

“Take it from a gal who knows the North Slope of Alaska,” she said, “we’ve got lots of both.”


+ + +

What was Obama doing about the Georgia crisis again? Oh, yeah, that's right: He was vacationing in Hawaii.
Posted by: the unknown pervert

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/04/08 07:08 AM

Thank you for bringing up the NYT Jim. Remember a couple of months ago when they rejected an op-ed piece by McCain claiming it was nothing but a series of personal attacks on Obama with nothing of substance in it. Take a look at Maureen Dowd's latest op-ed piece on Palin and ask yourself what is wrong with this picture.
Posted by: Bornyo

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/04/08 07:20 AM

Murdoch is mounting a bid to buy the NYT. That will be fucking hilarious. Like Yanks owning Manchester United.
Posted by: Crocodile

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/04/08 07:35 AM

Do people still read NYT?
Posted by: Bluecipher

Re: Palin is a LIAR. - 09/04/08 07:56 AM

They do in places that matter.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: ArcXIX is a LIAR. - 09/04/08 08:05 AM


Thank you for bringing up the NYT Jim. Remember a couple of months ago when they rejected an op-ed piece by McCain claiming it was nothing but a series of personal attacks on Obama with nothing of substance in it. Take a look at Maureen Dowd's latest op-ed piece on Palin and ask yourself what is wrong with this picture.

I was actually hoping eblab would start whining about "tired republican propaganda" without looking at the source for the 153rd time.

I read the Times religiously. I also read the Washington Post, both NY tabloids and glance at a few other sites around the country.

Murdoch and Sulzburger are opposite sides of the same coin. There is not now, has never been nor will there ever be a wholly objective news source. The best one can do is learn to separate the fact from the opinion. And the only way I know of to do that is to get your news from both sides of the spectrum and draw your own conclusions.
Posted by: Bluecipher

Re: ArcXIX is a LIAR. - 09/04/08 02:24 PM

If I had the time and money I'd subscribe to and read the NYT, WSJ, WashPost, Economist, Times of London or Financial Times and The Guardian/Observer. That would probably give a healthy round up of news and opinion. The LA Times is probably on it's way to crashing and burning with all the editor resignations and dismissals, as well as debilitating layoffs. I never read the Chicago Tribune, but I hear it's gone downhill. When I lived in NYC and the metro area I read the Times, Village Voice, and occasionally the NYPost and Daily News. The Post had very good sports coverage (racing!) and the News had excellent coverage of local NYC politics and news.

In Spain you can read the left-center El Pais, the right-center El Mundo, the right-leaning ABC and the Freaky Vanguardia if you are a catalan. There's probably a similar gamut in France (Le Figaro is right leaning I think, with Le Monde more leftish). Variety is good. Don't know what the Germans go for. If I remember correctly the Frankfurter Zeitung is one of the more mainstream papers. There is probably a Berlin daily that is tops now, since they became the capital again.