brandon the cum eater!

Posted by: dr. satan

brandon the cum eater! - 04/20/03 03:57 PM

let the faggot eat cum in till his pig stomach explodes!
Posted by: Brandon_Iron

Re: brandon the cum eater! - 04/20/03 04:23 PM

You are such a child. This forum is for adults, my friend, ADULTS!
Now take off the mask. Halloween is over!
Now go get your blankie and have a nap, you man-child.
Fuck you.
Posted by: Jeff Steward

Re: brandon the cum eater! - 04/21/03 06:49 AM

Hey Tony,I love this DR.Satan guy.You should make him a moderator.
Posted by: Smartt

Re: brandon the cum eater! - 05/06/03 02:33 PM

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/banana.gif" alt="" />
Posted by: BigPornFan

Re: brandon the cum eater! - 12/16/03 10:20 AM

Check out this thread I found on rame . Everyones favorite victim goes off on Roger t. Pipe . Lol <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/limpwrist.gif" alt="" />
Posted by: Mike Meatmaster

Re: brandon the cum eater! - 12/16/03 06:53 PM

Why is he complaining about a review? Did it hurt his sales or just his feelings? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/limpwrist.gif" alt="" />
Posted by: Steven Millan

Re: brandon the cum eater! - 12/16/03 11:33 PM

Always....always...fear a guy who names himself "Dr. Satan",wears a Jason-esque hockey mansk,and holds a long sword over his arm,as well as the comeidc Richard Simmons bashing PC cartoons of Smartt(truly hilarious stuff there,man!!!).
Posted by: Steven Millan

Re: brandon the cum eater! - 12/16/03 11:35 PM

Oops!!! I meant to say Mask!!!
Sorry about that,Doc Satan!!!
Posted by: Saevus Maximus

Re: brandon the cum eater! - 04/20/04 11:52 AM

If I have to read another post from Brandon Iron telling everyone how great his shitty movies are im going to kill myself . <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/scull.gif" alt="" />
Posted by: Monsieur

Re: brandon the cum eater! - 04/20/04 11:58 AM

Please don't do that. Perhaps if more people like you make their opinions known Brandon will kill himself.
Posted by: Brandon_Iron

Re: brandon the cum eater! - 04/20/04 01:32 PM

Why would I possibly consider killing myself when things are going better than ever with Platinum X Pictures. Ever since the launch of the company with I LOVE IT ROUGH back on April 1st, 2003, things have really gone well for us.
Perhaps it was just timing or hard work, but Jewel De'Nyle, Steve Holmes, Mason, Julian, Sean Michaels, and Michael Stefano are all doing better with each release (we now have about 56).
I don't know why I would get depressed. Certainly, it would not be because we have missed any street dates. We release all our product simulaneously on DVD and VHS.
I don't even have time to call the suicide prevention hotline now that we have our members site up at
Instead of moping around thinking about my pathetic sex-addict lifestyle, I revel in the fact that I can do my own promotion on fine, balanced, unbiased message boards like this one.
I hope to free up time to get my baldness taken care of at the Hair Club for Men, but I just have to finish off SIX PACK first. It will feature Sandra Romain taking on six guys, Lucy Lee taking on six guys, and one other girl who has yet to be cast. So far, both scenes have included double anal, multiple DPs, strong sex, massive facials, and cum eating.
I guess the only thing that brings me down is that Dr. Satan seems to take so long in his posts. I truly missed you and welcome you back from your recent adventures in Brazil.
Write back soon, my satanic friend. It's been a long time and I want to hear all about your carnal Carnival adventures.
Your pal,
Brandon Iron
Posted by: Monsieur

Re: brandon the cum eater! - 04/20/04 02:01 PM

And I'll bet you'll ruin them all by having Holmes in them--ah well--as to your success I'm sure the IRS will be interested. Remember Ashcroft could make quite a dent in porn by going after you foreigners. Besides who thinks that you are telling the truth about any of this--you are after all a putain--people not known for their morals. I notice you did not mention Manuel--seems he got out real fast."I revel in the fact that I can do my own promotion on fine, balanced, unbiased message boards like this one. " Note of irony here? Isn't it too bad that we have an opinion which includes being against using the same old guys. When will your name change be official? I kind of like the new one better--WOW pictures. (Worn-Out-Whores as the other board said)--ton ami--Monsieur
Posted by: Brandon_Iron

Re: brandon the cum eater! - 04/20/04 02:34 PM

Now I know you are an bitter, old man with too much time on his hands. There is a saying to the effect that in springtime a young man's fancy turns to women. You are only thinking about the IRS, 2 guys who fuck for a living, and my testosterone-induced bald spot.
Take care, Sir! Don't break your hip on your way to report me to the IRS. You needn't hurry, either, as I have paid my taxes like a good putain for many years now.
In fact, I will claim you as a mentally incopentent dependant on next year's return as I have spent a lot of time assuaging your fears concerning your latent attraction to Steve Holmes. In plain English, I believe you should get over the fact that he is in his 40's and fucks better than you did in your 20's.
Good luck, Monsieur!
C'etait un plaisir!
Posted by: Monsieur

Re: brandon the cum eater! - 04/20/04 02:38 PM

And he looks like he is in his sixties. Now comment on Vince's quote. Don't go on your diatribe about Holmes--who BTW says he had many gay encounters in his late teens and early 20"s--still does with you maybe? So when when does the WOW become official mon vieux Putain.
Posted by: Monsieur

Re: brandon the cum eater! - 04/21/04 03:42 AM

Come on Putain--You've got to come attack me personally on this thread also rather than address the issues.. Ton parrain Monsieur
Posted by: Brandon_Iron

Re: brandon the cum eater! - 04/21/04 06:35 AM

"Come on Putain--You've got to come attack me personally on this thread also rather than address the issues.. "

I am sorry, but I am laughing so hard right now that it will take me some time before I can get back to you.
Now be a good boy and wait at your Atari computer screen salivating at my resonse to your posts.
Like a master to his French poodle, I command you to "STAY!!"
Your pal,
Posted by: Monsieur

Re: brandon the cum eater! - 04/21/04 06:51 AM

Your answers are getting better and better. Whos is helping you? Now address the issues.
Posted by: Brandon_Iron

Re: brandon the cum eater! - 04/21/04 06:50 PM

Sorry, but I am STILL laughing!
As long as we can agree to disagree, that is fine by me. I will continue to lose my hair and make bad pornography, but the biggest laugh is that I am becoming quite successful at it. I earn the most of anyone in my family and that comforts me and makes me try harder to win you over as yet another customer of Platinum X Pictures.
Don't worry! I am a pitbull when it comes to winning over new customers. I will continue to pontificate on my movies until even you know my cast lists verbatim.
Do me one favour: Tell me the street date for BELL BOTTOMS #2 and I will address the "issues."
Posted by: JRV

Re: brandon the cum eater! - 04/21/04 07:55 PM

If I had as much pussy walking in my door every year as balding Brandon does every day I wouldn't care.

The only thing I hold against Brandon is that he got to dominate Fujiko Kano and I didn't.
Posted by: DoronD

Re: brandon the cum eater! - 04/21/04 09:13 PM

Brandon got to fuck that chick , Kennedy. Brandon, I loathe you.
Posted by: Brandon_Iron

Re: brandon the cum eater! - 04/22/04 06:05 AM

Doron, your words of loathing are appreciated!
Monsieur and I are going to have a tete-a-tete to resolve all our outstanding issues.
He will be the new Chef Du Promotion Internet for me starting tomorrow. You can expect lots of updates about Platinum X Pictures from him. This gives me more time to focus on upcoming shoots.
Welcome to the new era of porn.
Posted by: Monsieur

Re: brandon the cum eater! - 04/22/04 06:17 AM

Hey, Putain--Is it my fault you come from a low earning family? Now address the issues of old guys with no self-esteem continuing to bare all. As to being a pitbull--"Thou dost protest too much." Au revoir "chatte" Monsieur
"Tell me the street date for BELL BOTTOMS #2 and I will address the "issues."--what the hell does that mean--you don't know the street date?
Posted by: Brandon_Iron

Re: brandon the cum eater! - 04/22/04 08:12 AM

It is obvious you never took a course in logic. Just because I say I earn more than anyone in my family does not mean that they are low-earners. It could very well be the case that they earn a lot, but, by comparison, I earn MORE. Am I going too fast for you? OK, I will write slower....
Don't worry, your feeble French education is to blame, not you.
I will address the issues once you have written the street date for BELL BOTTOMS in your next post. It's simple, really. All you have to do is visit and look under our helpful Coming Soon menu.
Please, can we get on with this debate? Post the date, Monsieur. Post the date!
Like the Vietnam-era protesters said in unison many years ago, "The whole world is watching. The whole world is watching."
Posted by: Monsieur

Re: brandon the cum eater! - 04/22/04 10:02 AM

Yeah "poulet" I'm going to post the date. Don't hold your breath. As to the tete-a-tete is that anything like the "tete-a-cul" that you have with Erik and the other guys? So my logic is off. You caught that boy and they said your IQ was the same as a dumb head of cabbage, but I said no it is the same as a smart one--Does your dealer go directly to the trailer park to fill your orders? Monsieur
Posted by: Londo Mollari

Re: brandon the cum eater! - 05/05/04 02:43 PM

Let's get this back on topic- How much cum can Brandon chug?