Darker Sides Films?

Posted by: Zimmy

Darker Sides Films? - 10/27/05 08:11 AM

Does anyone know anything about Darker Sides Video/Films production company?
Posted by: haileyyoung

Re: Darker Sides Films? - 10/27/05 01:32 PM

I was wondering the same thing, looks like they got all the girls emails addressed that post on this board and sent us emails with like NO info what so ever so if they dont want to give info in the email sounds shady to me, I just deleted it.
Posted by: Shawn Reynolds

Re: Darker Sides Films? - 10/27/05 06:10 PM

An actress showed me the Craigslist posting by them, which they had posted there for other East Coast cities before they did Boston. The address in the autoresponder email that comes back when you write to them is listed online as belonging to a furniture store. Furthermore, they want applicants to send pics AND copies of their identification before introducing themselves. It seems to me they're looking for guppies who don't know what their doing.
Posted by: Zimmy

Re: Darker Sides Films? - 10/27/05 06:34 PM

Yeah! I was not impressed with their freakin (non) spelling!! Thank you for responding!
Posted by: Zimmy

Re: Darker Sides Films? - 10/27/05 06:36 PM

Thanks for responding. I checked them out on the craig list after I posted. I hate fuckin scammers!
Posted by: gia jordan

Re: Darker Sides Films? - 10/28/05 06:42 AM


Thanks for responding. I checked them out on the craig list after I posted. I hate fuckin scammers!

Haven't we learned anything from XPT about Craigslist and the sex industry? Yeah, nothing says professional like advertising on Craigslist. That's how Brazzle built her Fortune 500 company. But, hey, where else can you book a scene, solicit a $50 bj to pay your Cingular bill, and get a fake Ligne Rosset chair from Ikea.
Posted by: stacy_sinn

Re: Darker Sides Films? - 10/28/05 07:37 AM

I received the same message from Darker Side, and read it over. Besides the ID's they require, it also states they will inform you where to send you"DEMO TAPE". Sounds like they are really looking for suckers to send them some free footage (Most likely scanning signatures from the ID's to put on their Model Releases). This is outrageous. I am on the East Coast, and get this kind of scammer crap all the time. Unfortunately, the niave new talent ususally falls for these guys, so they keep creeping out of the wood work.

Stacy Sinn
Posted by: TunaCan

Re: Darker Sides Films? - 10/28/05 01:51 PM

Yeah, gotta be careful when dealing with people in the North East. As a native NYer, it is just common for the scumbag types to try and get over on people. The best policy is getting references from other talent they have worked with, and not some random prostitute they got from brooklyn, but girls actually in the business.
Posted by: RENFIELD1

Re: Darker Sides Films? - 10/28/05 03:43 PM


Yeah, gotta be careful when dealing with people in the North East. As a native NYer, it is just common for the scumbag types to try and get over on people. The best policy is getting references from other talent they have worked with, and not some random prostitute they got from brooklyn, but girls actually in the business.

Uh Oh I have been found out.
Posted by: haileyyoung

Re: Darker Sides Films? - 10/28/05 05:03 PM



Yeah, gotta be careful when dealing with people in the North East. As a native NYer, it is just common for the scumbag types to try and get over on people. The best policy is getting references from other talent they have worked with, and not some random prostitute they got from brooklyn, but girls actually in the business.

Uh Oh I have been found out.

LOL Gypsy!
Posted by: Sergio T.

Re: Darker Sides Films? - 10/29/05 03:18 AM

Anyone that asks for "demo tapes/reels", auditons, etc. should be avoided. Legit companies have a way of doing business and this is not one of them.
Posted by: It Was Fun

Re: Darker Sides Films? - 11/02/05 05:47 PM

Yea I just got an e-mail today from them asking for demo tapes n such. My lazy ass just deleted their email instead of bitching them out like I should have. What a bunch of morons. I think they found me either from Hardcore Modeling forums or sexy jobs or something like that. I can't remember now. FUCK EM ALL IN .... well you know.
Posted by: fuck off and die

Re: Darker Sides Films? - 11/02/05 07:14 PM

i got an email from them too...i havent read it yet, but thanks for the heads up!!
Posted by: JRV

Re: Darker Sides Films? - 11/03/05 10:55 AM

Where did they get the e-mail addresses? Is anyone getting this on private email addresses?
Posted by: loopnode

Re: Darker Sides Films? - 11/03/05 05:49 PM

Do milfs have a philosophy?
Posted by: Aaronas-NY

Re: Darker Sides Films? - 12/01/05 11:44 PM

I have also recieved email from Darker Side guys asking for photos (prints) for girls represented by Aaronas. I am reading a lot of flack about them and just wondering if it would be a good idea or not to persue them

Wanna have an opinion about them..

Posted by: TunaCan

Re: Darker Sides Films? - 12/02/05 08:42 AM


I have also recieved email from Darker Side guys asking for photos (prints) for girls represented by Aaronas. I am reading a lot of flack about them and just wondering if it would be a good idea or not to persue them..here is the email they sent to me.

"The girls I listed below are the ones I feel most fit the roll, the movie we
are planning to film is called daughter bangin, the idea is fuck your
friends, co-worker so on daughter, most of them would need to reduce the
makeup to a min to really capture the young girl feel, I also picked 2 girls
at the very bottom who from the pictures seem a little older because we have
a clip that is an older woman, older man and younger girl. I need to know
all of their terms, proof of age, a good quality head shot, body shot front
nude, body shot side nude, body shot back nude, body shot dressed. I'm
asking for the photos because I need to lay them out on our casting table
along with all the other possible talent so we can mix match and cut the
talent we aren't going to use. I would also like a sample video if possible
i'm very picky about my stars as you can see because I work hard to produce
only top quality films with top quality looks and feels, that's why I wanna
see how the talent moves, creams, blows and so on. also all the clips in
this upcoming film require mouth and face money shots, so any talent with a
problem with that is auto cut. if you have anyone else I didn't see on that
page that you feel would match my film send them over

PS: send all the stuff I asked for to my casting director, if all goes well
we will be working together for a long time and I may have a very good
business proposition for you as well..

Darker Sides Films
ATTN: Kash Kimball
1750 McDonald Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11230"

Wanna have an opinion about them..


Well, i do NOT know Darker Side whatsoever, they have never contacted me about anything, and I am not going to comment on whether or not they are for real as it is not my place, but I will say that I think it is bad form for a talent management company to take an email that is sent to them from a producer with shoot details, concepts, titles, and personal addresses, whether or not they are legit, and post it onto a public message board to ask a bunch of strangers who may not even be in the business themselves what their opinion is. There is NO WAY in the world I would trust a talent management company that would resort to posting on a fan site for guidance with working with new people. Let's say for a minute Darker Side is legit, and lets say whatever their idea was for a shoot was brilliant, you just tipped off any other producer here with that great idea. Now I am not saying that their idea was brilliant, or even interesting, but what if it was? I suggest if you have doubts about a production company then you ask them for references from known people they have worked with. Just my 2 cents for whatever it may or may not be worth.